What is PCS System?
- Sometimes dental clinics use higher air-pressure than recommended level which leads to early bearings failure. Pressure control system ensures only stable amount of pressure is provided while operation so the bearings would not be damaged.
Model MOKO 220BT Material Titanium Head type
Standart Kafa, Maksimum Motor Gücü: 25W (±%5)
Standard head
Maximum Engine Power: 25 W (±%5)
Bur Rotation Speed
Dönme Hızı
RPM 390,000~440,000 Working Air
PCS System:Pressure Control (REGULATOR) System
PCS Sistem: Basınç Kontrolü (REGÜLATÖR) Sistemi
0.25Mpa - 0.35Mpa Chuck Type Push button type
Kolay Frez Değiştirme imkânı
Bur ISO 1797-1 TYPE 3, 1.59MM-1.6MM STANDARD SHANK Chuck retention with up to 30N
30N’ ye kadar Chuck Tutma Kuvveti – Gevşeme Yok
Water Flow Value ISO 14457 > 50ml / min
Su Çıkışı 50ml (Min)
Fiber Optic NO Spray Type 4 port water spray
Dört Noktadan Optimum
Noise Level
Ses Seviyesi
≤ 60 dB BEARING Ceramic